Wednesday, March 3, 2010


It has been nearly a year since a new post has gone up on this site! Lots has happened since the last post. We have a new look in the Learning Center, some new students, and some old staff. We are persevering and still serving the Lord. God is so good to us. Through the thin times as well as when things get thick, we can trust Him. Lots of good things have been going on this year. Students are working hard and making progress. Looks like we will have a graduate in May :-).

Special thanks to all who have helped us during the past summer getting all of the things ready that needed attention. Many had a hand in the new look.

Also, we are moving right now to make Heritage Academy more user friendly to home-schoolers. Within the next few days we should be able to offer our computer courses online with the help of our friends from Alpha and Omega Publishers. Next year will, I believe, be an exciting one here at Heritage Academy since we can have this option. PTL!

Keep on praying for us as we seek to serve our Lord and families through Heritage Academy.